Greetings from Syracuse University and Industrial Park, the gloomiest place in the continental U.S. -- well, at least whenever I'm here. It's been dark and rainy all day, and I don't think I've seen the sun shine in my many visits to the central New York region.
No worries. The weather is fantastic under the dome. There's no better press box view in college football than at the Carrier Dome, where we're 20 rows from field level in a fairly spacious, open-air facility. Beats the heck out of the standard vacuum-sealed press boxes about a half-mile up from the field.
No word on who the starting quarterback is yet. But Darius Butler is out on the field throwing the ball around. Maybe it's him. Butler is still hurt, but he doesn't have much of a limp and is zipping the ball pretty well. I see Cody Endres having a pass with Johnny McEntee, and Tyler Lorenzen was out earlier for a few minutes before heading back into the locker room. Haven't seen Zach Frazer yet. I'll let you know who it is when I find out. My gut feeling is that Zach is the guy.
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