Thursday, September 18, 2008

Runway Challenge Week 4: The Baby Mozart edition

Syncing my iPod this morning, I discovered a disturbing fact. The 18 most-played songs come from "Baby Mozart". And it's not even close. We have an iPod dock in the baby's nursery, and whenever he's having a tough time going to sleep we just play Baby Mozart. It's great because he's usually out like a light within a few minutes. The only problem is I can hear the music from my home office, which shares a wall with the nursery. Between this and "The Wiggles", which my son also loves, my brain is turning into oatmeal. I hum these freaking tunes all the live long day.

Things need to change, I decided today, because I can't take anymore. Plus, my wife wasn't home to stop me. So I experimented with some of the other tunes on my iPod for nap time. I'm happy to say, it worked. My son was cuddled up with his blanket and sucking his thumb in his crib -- calm as can be -- while listening to The Who's "Quadrophenia". His favorite new tune was "Love, Reign 'oer Me". And when the wife asks what happened to Baby Mozart -- she's big on classical music and classical music only for the baby -- I have an excuse. I mean, Quadrophenia is a rock opera.

On to the picks:

Game 1: CONNECTICUT (-12.5) over Baylor - I wasn't worried about Baylor until seeing the cover of the football media guide yesterday. It's a shot of their stadium in the orange-blue sky of the Texas twilight. It looked like the cover of "Friday Night Lights". Plus, Baylor has 93 guys from the state of Texas. So they must be fairly talented, right? Nah. UConn will still cover.

Game 2: East Carolina (-7.5) over NC STATE - Skip Holtz has suddenly become the next young "it" coach-in-waiting. Could his next stop be in Syracuse?

Game 3: Iowa (+1) over PITTSBURGH - Speaking of Syracuse, and since I have nothing to add on this game, nice job by the Orange with the Ernie Davis statue recently dedicated on campus. Ernie, who finished his Syracuse career in 1962, is depicted in his statue wearing Nike cleats and with a Nike swoosh on his jersey.

Game 4: Notre Dame (+9) over MICHIGAN STATE - Charlie Weis tore knee ligaments while on the sidelines last weekend, and is pondering surgery. On a positive note, it's the first time in 20 years Weis has actually seen either of his knees. You know, cause he's kinda heavy? Let's move on.

Game 5: Florida (-7.5) over TENNESSEE - Too much orange. Let's move on, again.

Game 6: NAVY (+6.5) over Rutgers - Went back and forth on this one a few times. The argument was, in a nutshell, "Rutgers is bad. Are they that bad? They can't be. But I think they are."

Game 7: NORTH CAROLINA (-3) over Virginia Tech - Every year, it seems the Huskies' play the surprise ACC team that turns out to be much better than anyone expected, and ends up contending for the league title. It was Wake Forest in 2006, Virginia in 2007. Methinks the Tar Heels might fit the bill, this year.

Game 8: South Florida (-28) over FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL - I always get FIU and FAU confused. Then again, it doesn't really matter, does it?

Game 9: Miami-Ohio (+11.5) over CINCINNATI: The oldest non-conference rivalry in college football playing for the lamest-sounding trophy in college football. Yep. It's the Battle for the Victory Bell!

Game 10: Louisiana State (-3) over AUBURN - Auburn's college president sent out a university-wide email this week asking students to behave themselves and, specifically, not to boo. That should work out well.

Game 11: Georgia (-7) over ARIZONA STATE - Dawgs never travels this far for regular season road games, dag nab it!

Game 12: Wake Forest (+4) over FLORIDA STATE - 7 p.m. start. Someone be sure to wake Bobby Bo before then.

the week 3 results:
1. Pete 8-3
2. JZ 7-4
caleb 7-4
4. Chip 6-5
Rich 6-5
6. Sean O 5-6
stretch (anonymous) 5-6
kevin 5-6
Vinny 5-6
Sammy 5-6
wil 5-6
ian 5-6
13. Uconn86 4-7
Dougo 4-7
15. Den 3-8

Running standings (3 weeks):
1. Dougo 18
Vinny from East Haven 18
Rich 18
4. Chip 15
stretch 15
kevin 15
7. uconnhuskies86 14
caleb mandrake 14
pete 14
10. ian 13
will 13
12. JZ 12
13. Dan O 10
Sammy 10
15. Den of stupidity 9
16. Sean O 7


  1. Chip's picks
    Game 1: CONNECTICUT (-12.5) over Baylor
    Game 2: East Carolina (-7.5) over NC STATE
    Game 3: Iowa (+1) over PITTSBURGH -
    Game 4: Notre Dame (+9) over MICHIGAN STATE
    Game 5: Florida (-7.5) over TENNESSEE
    Game 6: NAVY (+6.5) over Rutgers
    Game 7: NORTH CAROLINA (-3) over Virginia Tech -
    Game 8: South Florida (-28) over FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL
    Game 9: Miami-Ohio (+11.5) over CINCINNATI:
    Game 10: Louisiana State (-3) over AUBURN -
    Game 11: Georgia (-7) over ARIZONA STATE
    Game 12: Wake Forest (+4) over FLORIDA STATE

  2. JZ's picks:

    Mich St

  3. Rich's picks
    Game 1: CONNECTICUT over Baylor
    Game 2: East Carolina over NC STATE
    Game 3: Iowa over PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: Notre Dame over MICHIGAN STATE
    Game 5: Florida over TENNESSEE
    Game 6: Rutgers over NAVY
    Game 7: Virginia Tech over NORTH CAROLINA
    Game 8: South Florida over FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL
    Game 9: Miami-Ohio over CINCINNATI
    Game 10: Louisiana State over AUBURN
    Game 11: Georgia over ARIZONA STATE
    Game 12: FLORIDA STATE over Wake Forest

  4. Pete's Picks:
    Game 2: NC STATE
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Rutgers
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: Miami-Ohio
    Game 10: Louisiana State
    Game 11: Georgia
    Game 12: Wake Forest

  5. I ate it last week. And I mean I absolutely ate it. Alas, Jim Tressel! I know him, Chip, a man of infinite jest.

    At least he realized what a joke Boeckman has been this season: Tressel has stated that he's going to be giving Terrelle Pryor some serious PT this week.

    Game 1: UConn over Baylor
    Game 2: ECU over NCSU
    Game 3: Iowa over Pitt
    Game 4: Notre Dame over MSU
    Game 5: Florida over UT
    Game 6: RU over Navy
    Game 7: UNC over VPI
    Game 8: USF over FIU
    Game 9: Cincy over Miami (OH)
    Game 10: LSU over Auburn
    Game 11: Georgia over ASU
    Game 12: Wake over FSU

    It kills me to pick the Gators over Tennessee, both my parents are UT alumni and my blood is as orange as it is blue and white.

  6. Dano's Picks

    Game 2: NC STATE
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH -
    Game 5: TENNESSEE
    Game 6: Rutgers
    Game 7: Virginia Tech -
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: CINCINNATI:
    Game 10:AUBURN -
    Game 11:Georgia

  7. Well I hate starting out by picking against UConn but something tells me they might have a little trouble containing Griffin. I do want them to win however, I just don't think they will cover.

    Game 1: Baylor
    Game 2: East Carolina
    Game 3: Iowa
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: NAVY
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: CINCINNATI
    Game 10: AUBURN
    Game 11: Georgia
    Game 12: Florida State

  8. Game 1: Baylor
    Game 2: NC STATE
    Game 3: Iowa
    Game 4: Notre Dame
    Game 5: TENNESSEE
    Game 6: Rutgers
    Game 7: Virginia Tech -
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: Miami-Ohio
    Game 10: Louisiana State
    Game 11: Georgia
    Game 12: Wake Forest


  9. I'll get in on this action.

    1. UConn
    2. NC State
    3. Iowa
    4. Michigan State
    5. Florida
    6. Rutgers
    7. Virginia Tech
    8. FIU
    9. Miami-OH
    10. LSU
    11. Arizona State.
    12. Wake

  10. Game 1: Baylor
    Game 2: NC STATE
    Game 3: Iowa
    Game 4: Notre Dame
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Rutgers
    Game 7: Virginia Tech -
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: CINCINNATI:
    Game 10: Louisiana State
    Game 11: Georgia
    Game 12: FSU

  11. Vincenzo says:
    1. UConn will be exposed on national TV for the overrated fraud of a team that they are. Baylor wins outright.
    2. NC State ends all talk of ECU crashing the BCS. NC State outright.
    3. Iowa crushes Pitt. Pitt is worse than UConn, for pete's sake.
    4. Michigan State. I loathe Notre Dame.
    5. Tennessee.
    6. Rutgers per my attorney's advice (he is an alum)
    7. Virginia Tech. Time for them to bounce back
    8. South Florida. There is a school called Florida International? Why don't they just schedule Conn College for Women?
    9. Miami-OH. The Big East stinks. STINKS. Any conference that has a team like UConn at the top should seriously look into dropping football.
    10. LSU. Hell, I don't know. All I know is that both of these teams are REAL big-time programs, unlike the Huskies.
    11. Georgia. Although it would be nice to see them lose.
    12. Florida State.

  12. It started out ugly and is only getting worse. Den.......

    NC State
    Mich St.
    VA Tech
    South Florida
    Miami OH

  13. Oh man, I'm not even in the top 15??

    Sean O's picks

    Chip's picks
    Game 2: NC STATE
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: Notre Dame
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Rutgers
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: CINCINNATI
    Game 10: AUBURN
    Game 11: Georgia
    Game 12: FLORIDA STATE

  14. Game 1: UConn (-12.5) over Baylor
    Game 2: NC State (+7.5) over East Carolina
    Game 3: Pitt (-1) over Iowa
    Game 4: Michigan State (-9) over Notre Dame
    Game 5: Florida (-7.5) over Tennessee
    Game 6: Rutgers (-6.5) over Navy
    Game 7: UNC (-3) over Virginia Tech
    Game 8: USF (-28) over FIU
    Game 9: Cincinnati (-11.5) over Miami
    Game 10: LSU (-3) over Auburn
    Game 11: Georgia (-7) over Arizona State
    Game 12: Wake Forest (+4) over Florida State

  15. Edited to get you in at No. 16, Sean O.

  16. Chip - Ouch, thank goodness I don't live in Vegas.

  17. UConn
    Notre Dame

  18. I assume the anonymous picks are Stretch's again

  19. UConnHuskies86 Picks
    Game 1: Did it too late (but would have picked UConn and lost on the spread anyway)
    Game 2: East Carolina (-7.5)
    Game 3: Pitt (-1)
    Game 4: NS (+9)
    Game 5: TENN (+7.5)
    Game 6: Rutgers (-6.5)
    Game 7: NORTH CAROLINA (-3)
    Game 8: FIU (+28)
    Game 9: Cinn -11.5
    Game 10: Auburn (+3)
    Game 11: Az State (+7)
    Game 12: Fl State (-4)

  20. Results for the week
    1. Gary 7-4-1
    Caleb 7-4-1
    Pete 7-4-1
    Kevin 7-4-1
    Den 7-4-1
    6. Ian 6-5-1
    Stretch 6-5-1
    Vinny 6-5-1
    Sammy 6-5-1
    10. Chip 5-6-1
    JZ 5-6-1
    Dougo 5-6-1
    Dan O 5-6-1
    Sean O 5-6-1
    15. Rich 4-7-1
    16. UConnhuskies 86 2-9-1
