This is always a fine way to start a work day. I got flipped off on the Merritt Parkway on my way up here by a woman who, I kid you not, was at least 65 years-old. OK, to be honest, I cut her off. But it was only because some other walnut with blue hair driving a Buick the size of a submarine blew through a yield sign while merging onto the highway and cut me off. This happens all the time, too. They see the yield sign, figure it's not a stop sign, and don't slow down or look to see who's in the right lane. Yield means you don't have the right of way, people. Glad I got that off my chest.
Not a lot of pre-game notes right now, but you might be interested to know there's a boatload of NFL personnel here. On a normal game day, there's usually five or six. Tonight, there's 17, including Miami Dolphins general manager Jeff Ireland. To be fair, Ireland is a Baylor grad (a kicker back in the late 80s, early 90s) and Miami is playing at New England Sunday. But, after the success of drafting Donald Thomas (before his injury), you can bet Ireland is checking out the UConn talent, including Darius Butler, very closely.
Also of note, the back judge tonight is Shawn Hochuli. He's the son of longtime NFL ref Ed "Hercules" Hochuli, who, in case you hadn't heard, made a bad call last Sunday.
"Also of note, the back judge tonight is Shawn Hochuli. He's the son of longtime NFL ref Ed "Hercules" Hochuli, who, in case you hadn't heard, made a bad call last Sunday."
ReplyDeleteGuess it runs in the family