Thursday, September 06, 2007

Runway Challenge Week 2: The "When they were young" version

We'll get to the weekly picks in a moment. But here's a couple of photos I couldn't resist sneaking onto the blog. Anyone care to guess which current member of the UConn football team this wide-eyed tyke grew into? Post your guesses. I'll reveal the answer later.

Priceless shots. Speaking of priceless, ACCSelect is giving refunds for the botched web cast of Saturday's games. Here's a copy of the email they sent out to subscribers:

It is with the utmost sincerity that we apologize for the unavailabilityof the first half of Saturday's Duke-Connecticut livefootball webcast. The problem was caused by an incorrect configurationsetting in our web server.

As sports fans ourselves, we know the extreme inconvenience andfrustration this caused. Therefore, we are issuing a full refund of$4.99 for your purchase of Saturday's game. Please allow five businessdays for the refund to be processed.

The full game is archived on-demand on The refund will not affect your 30 days access to the on-demand webcast from the date you made your purchase.

Should you decide to purchase an event in the future, weassure you that we've corrected the issue affecting Saturday's game.Again, please accept our apologies, and best of luck to your team this season.

Regards,PlayON! Sports Customer Relations

Good for them. Nice to see a company take responsibility for a screw up.

On to the weekly picks.

Game 1: West Virginia (-24.5) over MARSHALL: Bad Chad Pennington, Byron Leftwich and Randy Moss couldn't make a difference for the Thundering Herd this week.

Game 2: Nebraska (-9) over WAKE FOREST: Huskers tailback is named Lucky. How can they lose?

Game 3: Duke (+17) over VIRGINIA: Which UConn opponent stunk more this week? We'll find out Saturday.

Game 4: Boise State (-3) over WASHINGTON: U-Dub might be for real this season, but it's tough to tell after dumping Syracuse in a laugher.

Game 5: MICHIGAN (-8.5) over Oregon: Think the Wolverines won't take out their frustrations on the Ducks?

Game 6: GEORGIA (-5.5) over South Carolina: Register copy editor and Georgia alum Sean Look didn't trade me top pick in our fantasy league after I picked the Dawgs last weekend. Oh well. I grabbed Peyton Manning at No. 9.

Game 7: IOWA (-22) over Syracuse: Give Orange a break. Coach Robinson has a lot on his plate.

Game 8: South Florida (+7) over AUBURN: Bulls seem to thrive in the underdog role. Might they win outright?

Game 9: LSU (-13) over Virginia Tech: Hokies not so impressive in opener. LSU is for real.

Game 10: Buffalo (+3.5) over TEMPLE: This should be a pick 'em. Or a bring 'em both out to the pasture and shoot 'em. Call it the Misery Bowl.

Game 11: UCONN (-22) over Maine: There's usually no line for I-A vs. I-AA games, but Register colleague Brett Orzechowski said he saw this line somewhere on the internet. So I'll use it, too. Personally, I'd have made the spread 28 points.

Here are the standings after last week:

1. Ian: 8-2
detroittigershater: 8-2
3. Sammy 7-3
kooch 7-3
5. Chip 6-4
Vinny 6-4
kevin 6-4
8. SeanO's ghost: 5-5
pete 5-5
10. Alex 4-6

It's not too late to get in on the action. Post your picks by clicking "comments" below, then cutting and pasting the template.


  1. Chip's picks
    Game 1: West Virginia (-24.5) over MARSHALL
    Game 2: Nebraska (-9) over WAKE FOREST
    Game 3: Duke (+17) over VIRGINIA
    Game 4: Boise State (-3) over WASHINGTON
    Game 5: MICHIGAN (-8.5) over Oregon
    Game 6: GEORGIA (-5.5) over South Carolina
    Game 7: IOWA (-22) over Syracuse
    Game 8: South Florida (+7) over AUBURN
    Game 9: LSU (+13) over Virginia Tech
    Game 10: Buffalo (+3.5) over TEMPLE
    Game 11: UCONN (-22) over Maine

  2. Sammy's picks
    Game 1: West Virginia over Marshall
    Game 2: Wake Forest over Nebraska
    Game 3: Virginia over Duke
    Game 4: WASHINGTON over Boise State
    Game 5: Oregon over MICHIGAN
    Game 6: GEORGIA (-5.5) over South Carolina
    Game 7: IOWA (-22) over Syracuse
    Game 8: Auburn over South Florida
    Game 9: LSU (+13) over Virginia Tech
    Game 10: Temple over Buffalo
    Game 11: UCONN (-22) over Maine

  3. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: WAKE FOREST
    Game 3: VIRGINIA
    Game 4: WASHINGTON
    Game 5: Oregon
    Game 6: GEORGIA
    Game 7: Syracuse
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: LSU - I think this is supposed to be -13, no?
    Game 10: Buffalo
    Game 11: UCONN

  4. Eric's picks
    Game 1: West Virginia over Marshall
    Game 2: Wake Forest over Nebraska
    Game 3: Virginia over Duke
    Game 4: Boise State over Washington
    Game 5: MICHIGAN over Oregon
    Game 6: GEORGIA over South Carolina
    Game 7: IOWA over Syracuse
    Game 8: Auburn over South Florida
    Game 9: LSU over Virginia Tech
    Game 10: Buffalo over Temple
    Game 11: UCONN over Maine

  5. West Virginia
    Boise State

    Party starts at 3 PM in the blue lot. We plan to be in the first rows of cars on Saturday.

  6. My error. LSU is giving 13 to Va Tech, not the other way around. It's changed on the main page. Please take note.

  7. Kooch
    Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: Nebraska (-9)
    Game 3: VIRGINIA
    Game 4: WASHINGTON
    Game 5: MICHIGAN
    Game 6: South Carolina
    Game 7: Syracuse
    Game 8: AUBURN
    Game 9: LSU
    Game 10: TEMPLE
    Game 11: UCONN

  8. Pete's picks:

    Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: Nebraska
    Game 3: Virginia
    Game 4: Boise State
    Game 5: Michigan
    Game 6: Georgia
    Game 7: Iowa
    Game 8: Auburn
    Game 9: LSU
    Game 10: Temple
    Game 11: UConn

    My guess as to the picture is Brad Kanuch.

  9. Covers in CAPS

    WEST VIRGINIA 52, Marshall 17
    NEBRASKA 27, Wake Forest 14
    VIRGINIA 23, Duke 0
    WASHINGTON 34, Boise State 31
    Michigan 27, OREGON 21
    GEORGIA 38, South Carolina 28
    Iowa 21, SYRACUSE 3
    Auburn 20, SOUTH FLORIDA 17
    Lsu 31, VIRGINIA TECH 21
    TEMPLE 28, Buffalo 14
    UCONN 34, Maine 7

    Also, as a bit of pointless trivia - the guy who runs (you remember the NAIA, no?) also has a segment called Chip's Picks, even though his name is not Chip. Odd.

  10. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: Nebraska
    Game 3: Duke
    Game 4: Boise State
    Game 5: MICHIGAN
    Game 6: GEORGIA
    Game 7: Syracuse
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: LSU
    Game 10:TEMPLE
    Game 11: UCONN

    Wil L

  11. Vincenzo's picks:
    1. WVU
    2. Nebraska
    3. Virginia
    4. Washington
    5. Michigan
    6. Georgia
    7. Iowa
    8. Auburn
    9. LSU
    10. Temple
    11. Maine (they will win outright)

    FYI I am taking the camaro up to the Rent tomorrow to cheer on the Black Bears. See all you unrealistic Husky fans there!

  12. SeanO's Ghost:

    Game 1: West Virginia (-24.5) over MARSHALL
    Game 2: WAKE FOREST over Nebraska
    Game 3: VIRGINIA over Duke
    Game 4: Boise State over WASHINGTON
    Game 5: Oregon over MICHIGAN
    Game 6: South Carolina over GEORGIA
    Game 7: IOWA over Syracuse
    Game 8: South Florida over AUBURN
    Game 9: LSU over Virginia Tech
    Game 10: Temple over Buffalo
    Game 11: UCONN over Maine

  13. West Virginia
    Wake Forest
    Boise State
    South Carolina
    South Floria

  14. Caleb's picks
    Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: WAKE FOREST
    Game 3: VIRGINIA
    Game 4: WASHINGTON
    Game 5: MICHIGAN
    Game 6: South Carolina
    Game 7: Syracuse
    Game 8: South Florida
    Game 9: Virginia Tech
    Game 10: Buffalo
    Game 11: Maine

  15. week 2 results:
    1. DetroitTigershater 8-3
    SeanO's ghost 8-3
    Steve P 8-3
    4. Chip 7-4
    Sammy 7-4
    6. Caleb 6-5
    Surge-rock 6-5
    8. Ian 5-6
    kooch 5-6
    kevin 5-6
    wil I 5-6
    12. vinny 4-7
    Pete 4-7

    Standings after two weeks
    1. DetroitTigersHater 16
    2. Sammy 14
    3. Ian: 13
    Chip 13
    SeanO's Ghost 13
    6. kooch 12
    7. Kevin 11
    8. Vinny 10
    9. pete 9
    10. Steve P 8
    11. Caleb 6
    Sturge-rock 6
    13. Wil I 5
    14. Alex 4
