Tuesday, September 04, 2007

(Chicken) Nuggets from Tuesday media luncheon

Couple of laughs from the weekly media luncheon before the quick-hitter news and notes...

Ellis Gaulden says he's feeling better, and I have to agree from the way he swooped into the cafeteria, grabbed a bowl-full of chicken nuggets, loaded them up with ketchup, then exited in a flash. He was like a phantom. A phantom who likes ketchup on his chicken nuggets. Ellis was taped up for practice, and says he's close to a return. Could be great news for a talented wide receiver.

The UConn captains will initiate a "Husky Walk" at all home games starting with the Maine game. Similar to what many college programs do, the Huskies will exit the bus at the Runway and make an extended walk to the locker room where the band and fans can cheer and wish them well. Dan Davis was asked if he thought people would be there two hours before game time. Davis mentioned how a group of fans, including the Blue-White kid "and his followers" have greeted the team many times as the bus pulled up to the locker room entrance. Had to laugh at the vision of the Blue-White kid leading a cult of similarly-painted minions around Rentschler Field like Forest Gump and his legion of joggers.

Stupid Michael Vick. UConn DL Rob Lunn recently adopted a pit bull puppy -- more accurately, rescued it from someone in Arkansas -- but has been reluctant to reveal the breed because of the negative connotations. "It's the greatest dog in the world, but all of a sudden, all this goes down and you're telling people 'it's a Scottish Mud Terrier' or 'Swineherder', or some made up breed," he said with a laugh. It goes without saying that the dog is in good hands with Lunn.

  • Ryan Henegan is still (sing along now) day-by-day. But Randy Edsall was a bit more forthcoming. He said "Henegan is getting better, but he won't play this weekend. He's still listed as (sing it again) day-to-day, and won't play this weekend." Then he slipped in, quite slyly, "as a starter". Well-played, sir.

  • Lawrence Green is out indefinitely. That's that. Mike Hicks will start in his place at right guard (not left guard as it says on UConn's depth chart in the weekly press release. That's a typo.) Donald Thomas is still at left guard. Alex LaMagdelaine is top backup for both.

  • Lots of talk about the trap of a Division I-AA opponent, especially after Appalachian State pulled the Michigan upset on Saturday. Edsall says he prepares the team to play every opponent the same way. "I don't even care what the names are," he added. "We have to take care of us first and foremost.

  • Oh, it's no longer Division I-AA. It's now called the Football Championship Subdivision. And Division I-A is now known as the Football Bowl Subdivision. Catchy names. Much easier to distinguish between the two now, as opposed to that ever-so-confusing Division I-A and I-AA nonsense. Rumors from the NCAA is that Division II will soon be changed to Football Subdivision Non-Bowl and Partial Scholarship Division, while Division III will be called the Undersized Eggheads Who Pay $40,000 in Tuition Subdivision. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. And yes, I will still refer to it as I-A and I-AA (as will everyone else in the country). I was serious about the Division III name change, though. That's actually in the works.

  • Desi Cullen may have been trying too hard at Duke. He didn't punt the way he has been in practice. Edsall said that's likely emotions of the opening game. He's been killing the ball in practice, and Edsall hopes he settles down and we see more of that in game action.

  • Jasper Howard did play at Duke. He was listed that way on the game notes. Knew I saw him out there (not that the Duke radio tandem of Grampy and Little Earl were any help. They didn't bother to announce UConn players by name.)

  • Nice to hear from Maine coach Jack Cosgrove, the anti-Jim Leavitt. Had some nice things to say about Connecticut natives Bruno Dorismond of New Canaan and Lionel Nixon (brother of Brandon McLean and James Nixon) of New Haven, who will be starting for the Black Bears on Saturday.

  • To give credit where it's due...part of the media meal today was Fettucinne Alfredo. It was more Olive Garden than Tre Scalini (who'm I kidding, Chef Boyardee is better than Olive Garden), but a solid effort for sure. Nice job.

  • Need a good movie to Netflix? 300. The fictionalized retelling of the Battle of Thermoplae, in which 300 Spartans led by King Leonides fight to the last man against the Persian king Xerxes and his army of 1 million. Very cool. Loved it. Also saw Apocolypto over the weekend. All I can say is don't eat before or during the movie. You might regret it. Pretty graphic stuff.


  1. Chip if you haven't seen Last King of Scotland that's a must see.

  2. Nice job, Chip. Keep up the good work.

    Two recent movies I really liked:
    Bourne Ultimatum

  3. Netflix also has the Boise State Fiesta bowl game DVD. Very long wait though.
