Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pasqualoni: Too many mistakes against Iowa State

Some comments from Pasqualoni's conference call with state media this afternoon...

  • The coach didn't offer an opinion on the apparent defections of Syracuse and Pittsburgh to the ACC, saying he's so focused on his own team he hasn't paid too much attention to the recent reports.

  • The coaches were finishing their grading of the film from last night, and hadn't made a decision on where to go with the quarterback scenario. "They each did some good things, they each did things they need to do better," Pasqualoni said. "No one has separated themselves from the pack. We still have three, all of them can execute more than they did."

  • If there's anything to read between the lines with what Pasqualoni said, he did offer that McCummings was the most productive guy last night, though he can't continue to miss open receivers. McEntee "made good reads" but was "not throwing as accurately as he usually does". Pasqualoni also doesn't believe the disruption of constantly changing quarterbacks is an issue.

  • The run game struggled because there were "missed blocks and assignments". The passing game stalled because the quarterbacks "missed too many open receivers". Pasqualoni liked the shuffle of the offensive line, with Jimmy Bennett moving up to start at left tackle and Mike Ryan moving to right tackle, while Kevin Friend shifted guard slots. But "it's not easy" to go from the left to right and vice versa at tackle and guard, and there were issues with footwork and technique from Ryan and Friend that will be solved with practce and more reps.


  1. hi Chip,

    What is up with the in-game disc jockey? "yo, yo, yo it's third down You-Con Hawsky fans"..

  2. The DJ cam was a nice touch, too. Very "Jersey Shore". Maybe next game they can replace the stadium lights with a disco strobe.

  3. Vinny from East HavenSeptember 19, 2011 3:56 PM

    I think it's high comedy that UConn, of all schools, is pushing the hardest to join the ACC. Where's Dick Blumenthal when you need him? The last time schools left the Big East, he called it a "conspiracy born in deceit" and actually filed a lawsuit - which cost the taxpayers of the state almost $2 million, almost all of which went to pay counsel from OUTSIDE THE STATE OF CT!
    I've known all along that UConn would jump ship the first chance it got. What a bunch of shameless hypocrites.
