Friday, January 14, 2011

Tebucky Jones Sr. thrilled with P...Edsall? Not so much

A little more...
  • Age isn't a concern for Pasqualoni, who turns 62 this year, and it wasn't a concern for Jeff Hathaway. Pasqualoni may not be in this for the next 12 years like Randy Edsall. But unlike Edsall, when Pasqualoni says he'll be here as long as UConn will have him, it's not just lip service. Pasqualoni grew up in Cheshire, most of his immediate family -- his two brothers and his mother, who still lives in the same house the family grew up in -- remain there. And in talking about being young at heart, Pasqualoni was married at age 48, has three elementary school-aged children, and he's intent on providing them with a stable and secure home environment to grow up. By the way, the new coach will be living closer to UConn, not in Cheshire.

  • Tebucky Jones Sr. is thrilled with this hire, and is among the legions who think the world of Pasqualoni, and is excited his son will have the same football learning experience as he did. Jones also didn't hold back when discussing Randy Edsall and the way he left the program. "I was pissed off with the way he did it," Jones Sr. said. "You need to man-up and tell your players face-to-face when you make a decision like this."

  • Pasqualoni mentioned the prime recruiting areas for UConn, which will be a five-hour driving radius from campus. That's essentially New England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, down to Maryland and northern Virginia and even Canada. He also said Florida will be important, as well as the Dallas metroplex and Houston areas of Texas. Pasqualoni has had huge success as a recruiter, has thousands of high school contacts and, as Tebucky Jones said, "(as a recruiter) the man knows how to talk to people and close the deal."

More to come....I'm just getting a second wind.


  1. Good luck to Coach P. Hopefully he has the goods to lead UCONN to a consistently high level of play in the big east and make prestigious bowl games from time to time. What DOESN'T matter one bit is this Connecticut connection nonsense. Its totally meaningless to have CT coaches behind him. UCONN will live and die with how well they recruit the mid-atlantic (PA,NJ, western NY) and south. Most bench guys in those areas would be all-state in ct. Let's hope PP can recruit where the talent is. a half dozen CT guys on the roster each year don't impact much. CT coaches need to get over themselves and realize what a small pond they coach in. Of course, we appreciate their coaching efforts, but be real.

  2. Don't under-estimate it. It helps. There are quite a few CT players Edsall didn't get who are helping other teams. Any little advantage can help, and keeping state kids home can make a dfference.

  3. No sleeves in West HavenJanuary 18, 2011 11:23 AM

    I am going on record now to say that I believe Paul Pasquoloni will turn out to be a bad hire. I hope I am wrong, but here are my reasons:

    1) He is a 61 year-old man. I would think you'd want a younger guy for a program that is still on the rise
    2) His overall tenure at Syracuse was solid, but he essentially presided over their descent into being irrelevant
    3) While he was the coach at Syracuse, he took at proud program that had been the dominant program in the Northeast for years and watched Edsall guide the Uconn program right past them in national relevance within a matter of five years. Now they hire him as there coach??

    I am sure he is a good coach and he comes across very well. He will probably make your job a lot easier too because he seems like he'd be much easier to cover. Just don't know if he is the right guy….

  4. I will answer this on the blog...good question.
