Thursday, November 11, 2010

The picks, week 11 (and no cheating)

Thursday football. Unless there's a turkey the size of a Kindergartner waiting to be devoured afterward, it just doesn't seem right.

I won't be heading up to the Runway until around 3:30 p.m. (got to get a jump on that Veteran's Day traffic) and since I have nothing else to do this morning, might as well blog like it's 2006.

First off, I was pretty excited to see a Connecticut newspaper finally refer to Rentschler Field as "The Runway" in print. Fine, it was the newspaper I work for (and I didn't write the headline myself. Didn't even suggest it. Honest). But I loved it. "Pitt expects Runway to be roaring". That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? "The Runway". Makes you think of a loud, exciting, high-energy stadium (even if that's not necessarily true sometimes); a place people want to be. "The Rent" makes me think of a financial, how much is this going to cost me? Maybe that's what's keeping people away.

ANYWAY. Big flap over D.J. Hernandez and the case of the lost arm band. Sounds like a Hardy Boys' book. Is it national news? Probably not. But it did spark interesting debate over ethics and what constitutes cheating. I won't bore you any more than you already are by getting into it. Besides, I believe there was an episode of "The Brady Bunch" that covered this lesson in a similar fashion. Let's just leave it at this: you don't take things that don't belong to you. It's as simple as that.

But I will bore you with a story from my youth, a funny tale my old high school buddies talk about from time to time. I was 15 and playing in the town Babe Ruth Baseball League. My team was playing our bitter rival for the championship. It had rained all night and was still drizzling that morning, so there was some question as to whether the game would be postponed. They decided we could play. But it was such a dreary day, coaches had to phone the players individually to let them know the game was on and make sure they were coming.

About 20 minutes before the first pitch, the guys on our team noticed the two worst players on the other team (who happened to be brothers) weren't there. League rules were that everyone had to play at least two innings, and these guys were both athletic disasters. Think Timmy Lupus, the "booger-eating spaz" from The Bad News Bears. Only there were two of them.

Fishy. Very fishy. It didn't take long for a couple of kids in the league not playing that day to wander over to our bench and tell us they heard our opponents had called the brothers and informed them the game was cancelled. Of course, we automatically assumed it was the truth. And we weren't going to let them get away with that. So one of our players sneaked away ever so carefully to a pay phone (remember those?), called the brothers and let them know the game was still on.

As it turned out, the opposing team didn't tell the brothers the game was cancelled. They just never called at all and prayed that the pair wouldn't show. Cheating? Not exactly. Unethical? Most likely. Even our team walked the ethical fence with our sneaky maneuver. And I know the circumstances are a little different from the D.J. case. To be honest, I just felt like writing this story.

By the way, the best part of the tale was the reaction of the opposing team when the brothers came pedalling into the baseball complex on their 10-speed bikes two minutes before the first pitch. After all, the guys on the other team thought they were in the clear and this burden to their squad wouldn't show. One of my very good friends, The Piper, was on the other team. He swears to this day he saw the brothers dramatically appear through a cloud of heavy mist at the park entrance (kind of like how the UConn football team emerges from the smoke at the Runway tunnel before every home game). We definitely heard our friend Rags scream "Nooooooooooooooooo!" And when one of the coaches asked "what's wrong?", he responded in a whiny shrill, "they're heeeeeere!"

Priceless. And yes, we won.

On to the picks.

Game 1: WEST VIRGINIA (-6) over Cincinnati

Game 2: Syracuse (-3) over RUTGERS

Game 3: South Carolina (+6.5) over FLORIDA

Game 4: Utah (-6) over NOTRE DAME

Game 5: AUBURN (-8.5) over Georgia

Game 6: OHIO STATE (-18) over Penn State

Game 7: Virginia Tech (-3.5) over NORTH CAROLINA

Game 8: ALABAMA (-13) over Mississippi State

Game 9: NORTHWESTERN (+10) over Iowa

Game 10: Texas Tech (+14.5) over OKLAHOMA

Game 11: Kansas State (+12.5) over MISSOURI

Game 12: Texas A&M (-3) over BAYLOR

Game 13: LOUISVILLE (-3) over South Florida

Game 14: Southern California (+4) over ARIZONA

Game 15: Nevada (-8.5) over FRESNO STATE

Game 16: YALE (-14) over Princeton

Not enough time to get the UConn-Pitt game into the picks. But, with the current line at UConn +5.5, I think I'd take the Huskies.

Last week's results (tough week. only one over .500)

1. Caleb Mandrake 8-3

2. Chip 5-6

GovPhalen 5-6

Gabe 5-6

Gary 5-6

6. Pete 4-7

Walt 4-7

Vinny 4-7

9. Ian 3-8

Sammy 3-8

11. B-Stew 2-9


1. Pete 63-55-4

2. Caleb Mandrake 62-56-4

3. Ian 60-58-4

Gabe 60-58-4

Gary 60-58-4

6. B-Stew 58-60-4

Chip 58-60-4

8. Vinny from East Haven 56-62-4

governorphalen 52-66-4

10. sammy 48-70-4

11. opposite guy 16-7-1

12. Walt 15-19-1

13. Uconnbob 12-9-1

14. SeanO 8-15-1

15. The Cat 6-5

16. harper 6-6

17. Weird Sal 6-6

18. Rollo V. 5-6-1

19. Huskyraymond 5-8

20. BostonDan 3-7-1


  1. Game 1: WEST VIRGINIA (-6) over Cincinnati
    Game 2: Syracuse (-3) over RUTGERS
    Game 3: South Carolina (+6.5) over FLORIDA
    Game 4: Utah (-6) over NOTRE DAME
    Game 5: AUBURN (-8.5) over Georgia
    Game 6: OHIO STATE (-18) over Penn State
    Game 7: Virginia Tech (-3.5) over NORTH CAROLINA
    Game 8: ALABAMA (-13) over Mississippi State
    Game 9: NORTHWESTERN (+10) over Iowa
    Game 10: Texas Tech (+14.5) over OKLAHOMA
    Game 11: Kansas State (+12.5) over MISSOURI
    Game 12: Texas A&M (-3) over BAYLOR
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE (-3) over South Florida
    Game 14: Southern California (+4) over ARIZONA
    Game 15: Nevada (-8.5) over FRESNO STATE
    Game 16: YALE (-14) over Princeton

  2. WVU
    Penn State

  3. Game 1: WEST VIRGINIA
    Game 2: Syracuse (
    Game 3: FLORIDA
    Game 4: Utah
    Game 5: AUBURN
    Game 6: Penn State
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: ALABAMA
    Game 9: Iowa
    Game 10: Texas Tech
    Game 11: MISSOURI
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE
    Game 14: Southern California
    Game 15: Nevada
    Game 16: Princeton

  4. Game 1: Cincinnati
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: South Carolina
    Game 4: Utah
    Game 5: AUBURN
    Game 6: OHIO STATE
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: Mississippi State
    Game 9: Iowa
    Game 10: OKLAHOMA
    Game 11: Kansas State
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE
    Game 14: ARIZONA
    Game 15: Nevada
    Game 16: YALE

    Caleb Mandrake

  5. Game 1: WEST VIRGINIA
    Game 2: RUTGERS
    Game 3: South Carolina
    Game 4: Utah
    Game 5: AUBURN
    Game 6: enn State
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: ALABAMA
    Game 9: Iowa
    Game 10: OKLAHOMA
    Game 11: Kansas State
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE
    Game 14: ARIZONA
    Game 15: Nevada
    Game 16: Princeton

  6. Game 1: WEST VIRGINIA
    Game 2: RUTGERS
    Game 3: FLORIDA
    Game 4: Utah
    Game 5: AUBURN
    Game 6: OHIO STATE
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: ALABAMA
    Game 9: Iowa
    Game 10: OKLAHOMA
    Game 11: MISSOURI
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE
    Game 14: Southern California
    Game 15: FRESNO STATE
    Game 16: YALE

  7. Wow, 16 games to pick this week. Perhaps you're trying to claw your way back to the top of the standings Chip...

    Game 1 - WVU (-6)
    Game 2 - Syracuse (-3)
    Game 3 - Florida (-6.5)
    Game 4 - Utah (-6)
    Game 5 - Georgia (+8.5)
    Game 6 - Ohio St. (-18)
    Game 7 - VT (-3.5)
    Game 8 - Bama (-13)
    Game 9 - Iowa (-10)
    Game 10 - Oklahoma (-14.5)
    Game 11 - Missouri (-12.5)
    Game 12 - Baylor (+3)
    Game 13 - USF (+3)
    Game 14 - Arizona (-4)
    Game 15 - Nevada (-8.5)
    Game 16 - Yale (-14)

  8. Extra games only means I'll be dropping farther down the standings!!

  9. Game 1: Cincinnati
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: South Carolina
    Game 4: Utah
    Game 5: Georgia
    Game 6: penn State
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: Mississippi State
    Game 10: Texas Tech
    Game 11: Kansas State
    Game 12: Texas A&M
    Game 13: LOUISVILLE
    Game 14: Southern California
    Game 15: Nevada
    Game 16: Princeton

  10. B-Stew

    Game 2: RUTGERS
    Game 3: FLORIDA
    Game 4: NOTRE DAME
    Game 5: Georgia
    Game 6: OHIO STATE
    Game 7: Virginia Tech
    Game 8: Mississippi State
    Game 9: Iowa
    Game 10: Texas Tech
    Game 11: MISSOURI
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: South Florida
    Game 14: Southern California
    Game 15: FRESNO STATE
    Game 16: YALE

  11. Game 1: Cincinnati
    Game 2: RUTGERS
    Game 3: FLORIDA
    Game 4: NOTRE DAME
    Game 5: eorgia
    Game 6: Penn State
    Game 8: ALABAMA
    Game 10: Texas Tech
    Game 11: Kansas State
    Game 12: BAYLOR
    Game 13: South Florida
    Game 14: ARIZONA
    Game 15: FRESNO STATE
    Game 16: Princeton

  12. Vinny from East HavenNovember 13, 2010 11:35 AM

    Vinny says:
    1. West Virginia
    2. Rutgers
    3. Florida
    4. Utah
    5. Georgia
    6. Penn State
    7. Virginia Tech
    8. Alabama
    9. Northwestern
    10. Oklahoma
    11. Missouri
    12. Texas A&M
    13. Louisville
    14. Arizona
    15. Nevada
    16. Princeton

  13. Results
    1. Chip 10-4-2
    2. Ian 8-6-2
    Gabe 8-6-2
    4. Vinny 7-7-2
    Sammy 7-7-2
    6. Spock Jenkins 6-8-2
    BStew 6-8-2
    Caleb 6-8-2
    Pete 6-8-2
    10. Gary 5-9-2
    11. Govphalen 4-10-2

  14. Standings
    1. Pete 69-63-6
    2. Chip 68-64-6
    Caleb Mandrake 68-64-6
    Ian 68-64-6
    Gabe 68-64-6
    6. Gary 65-67-6
    7. B-Stew 64-68-6
    8. Vinny from East Haven 63-69-6
    9. governorphalen 56-76-6
    10. sammy 55-77-6
    11. opposite guy 16-7-1
    12. Walt 15-19-1
    13. Uconnbob 12-9-1
    14. SeanO 8-15-1
    15. The Cat 6-5
    16. harper 6-6
    17. Weird Sal 6-6
    18. Spock Jenkins 6-8-2
    19. Rollo V. 5-6-1
    20. Huskyraymond 5-8
    21. BostonDan 3-7-1
