Thursday, October 28, 2010

The picks, week 9

Big morning. The preschool Halloween parade and party was today. Once again, my suggestion of dressing the little guy in a mafia-related costume was vetoed. So simple to put together, too. A velour sweatsuit. White shoes. Slick the hair back. Add a couple of white streaks in the hair above the ears. Boom. Little Paulie Walnuts. But my wife, as usual, was adamantly against dressing our 3-year old as a Sopranos' mobster. Not much I can do, either. It's been two years but I still haven't lived down the fact that his first words (after mama and dada) were "Oh, (expletive deleted)!", and it was pretty much all my fault. But 2008 was a tough year to watch the Yankees.

At least I solved one mystery. The kids call the preschool teachers by their first names, but with a twist. Miss Suzie. Miss Jane. Miss Denise. Explains why he once called me Miss Daddy. I put an end to that quick, but he still forgets on occasion when he really wants something and is laying it on thick by trying to be extra polite. Kid might have a career in politics. Or as an infomercial pitchman.

Here are the picks. Don't forget to get them in before the UConn-West Virginia game Friday night at 8.

Game 1: West Virginia (-6.5) over CONNECTICUT
Game 2: CINCINNATI (-2.5) over Syracuse
Game 3: Louisville (+9) over PITTSBURGH
Game 4: Baylor (+7) over TEXAS
Game 5: Auburn (-7) over OLE MISS
Game 6: WASHINGTON (+7) over Stanford
Game 7: GEORGIA (-2.5) over Florida
Game 8: UCLA (+9.5) over Arizona
Game 9: Utah (-7) over AIR FORCE
Game 10: Michigan (-3) over PENN STATE
Game 11: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (+6.5) over Oregon

Last week's results
1. Pete 8-4
2. Gabe 7-5
Gary 7-5
Vinny 7-5
5. Chip 6-6
BStew 6-6
Weird Sal 6-6
Ian 6-6
9. Sammy 5-7
GovPhalen 5-7
11. Caleb 4-8
Walt 4-8

1. Pete 53-43-4
2. Ian 52-44-4
3. Chip 50-46-4
4. Caleb Mandrake 49-47-4
B-Stew 49-47-4
Gabe 49-47-4
Vinny from East Haven 49-47-4
8. Gary 47-49-4
9. governorphalen 43-51-4
10. sammy 40-54-4
11. Uconnbob 12-9-1
12. Walt 11-12-1
13. Opposite guy 8-4-1
14. SeanO 8-15-1
15. harper 6-6
16. Weird Sal 6-6
17. Rollo V. 5-6-1
18. Huskyraymond 5-8
19. BostonDan 3-7-1


  1. Game 1: West Virginia (-6.5) over CONNECTICUT
    Game 2: CINCINNATI (-2.5) over Syracuse
    Game 3: Louisville (+9) over PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: Baylor (+7) over TEXAS
    Game 5: Auburn (-7) over OLE MISS
    Game 6: WASHINGTON (+7) over Stanford
    Game 7: GEORGIA (-2.5) over Florida
    Game 8: UCLA (+9.5) over Arizona
    Game 9: Utah (-7) over AIR FORCE
    Game 10: Michigan (-3) over PENN STATE
    Game 11: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (+6.5) over Oregon

  2. My mom always knew which grandparent I had been with by the language I used so when I came home with a new F word she knew it was from dad...

    Let's go UConn
    and SC

  3. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: TEXAS
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: UCLA
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon

  4. time to get back in 1st place

    Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: Louisville
    Game 4: Baylor
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: Arizona
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon

  5. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: Louisville
    Game 4: Baylor
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: Arizona
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon
    Caleb Mandrake

  6. Miss Chip, here are my picks.

    Game 1: UConn
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: Pittsburgh
    Game 4: Texas
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: UCLA
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon

  7. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: TEXAS
    Game 5: MISS
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: Arizona
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon

  8. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: Louisville
    Game 4: TEXAS
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: UCLA
    Game 9: AIR FORCE
    Game 10: PENN STATE
    Game 11: Oregon

  9. Vinny from East HavenOctober 29, 2010 2:37 PM

    Did we make it an entire week without a single UConn football player getting arrested, failing a drug test, or getting dismissed from the team?!?

    Vinny's picks:
    1. West Virginia. The spread could be 35.
    2. Cincinnati
    3. Pittsburgh
    4. Texas
    5. Auburn
    6. Stamford
    7. Georgia
    8. Arizona
    9. Utah
    10. Michigan
    11. Southern Cal

  10. Game 1: CONNECTICUT
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: TEXAS
    Game 5: OLE MISS
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: Arizona
    Game 9: AIR FORCE
    Game 10: PENN STATE
    Game 11: Oregon

  11. Game 1: West Virginia
    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: Baylor
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: UCLA
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan

  12. Shoot, didn't realize our game was in the picks so I'll give you everything but that..

    Game 2: CINCINNATI
    Game 3: PITTSBURGH
    Game 4: TEXAS
    Game 5: Auburn
    Game 6: Stanford
    Game 7: Florida
    Game 8: UCLA
    Game 9: Utah
    Game 10: Michigan
    Game 11: Oregon

  13. Results. Man, I suck.
    1. Opposite guy (nuff said): 8-3
    Gary 8-3
    3. BStew 7-4
    4. the cat 6-5
    Gabe 6-5
    Pete 6-5
    7. Sammy 5-6
    caleb 5-6
    ian 5-6
    10. Govphalen 4-7
    11. vinny 3-8
    chip 3-8

  14. Standings
    1. Pete 59-48-4
    2. Ian 57-50-4
    3. B-Stew 56-51-4
    4. Gabe 55-52-4
    Gary 55-52-4
    6. Caleb Mandrake 54-53-4
    7. Chip 53-54-4
    8. Vinny from East Haven 52-55-4
    9. Gary 47-60-4
    governorphalen 47-60-4
    10. sammy 45-62-4
    11. opposite guy 16-7-1
    12. Uconnbob 12-9-1
    13. Walt 11-12-1
    14. SeanO 8-15-1
    15. The Cat 6-5
    16. harper 6-6
    17. Weird Sal 6-6
    18. Rollo V. 5-6-1
    19. Huskyraymond 5-8
    20. BostonDan 3-7-1
