Saturday, October 30, 2010

Frazer's redemption and please don't compliment Sio

A few more notes after speaking with the players.
  • You can bet Zach Frazer feels redemption after experiencing the humiliation of going from fifth-year senior starter to third string in the span of a few hours. The hours and days after his demotion back in late September were hard for Frazer to take, and he said he briefly considering quitting. But he credited his friends and family for keeping him focused and positive during a dark time. "I could have gone either way," Frazer said. "It was definitely a fork, where I could have gone down a bad road and called it quits. But I wasn't raised that way. My parents would have whooped me if I went down that path. Everyone had my back, and my teammates were there. It was tough, but I was in it for the team. I understood my role and that I had to keep working in case this moment happened, and it did."

  • Just how close did Frazer come to quitting? "I never quit on anything in my life, so I wasn't going to," Frazer said. "But, it was a tough position. I really pushed it into the back of my mind when it happened because I didn't want to think about it; I didn't want it to bring me down. But it feels good to come back and beat West Virginia. I love the guys on this team, the offense, the coaches. Whether I was on the sidelines three deep or on the field like I was tonight, I enjoy being with the team and that's what matters. At the end of the day people will look at your record, but not everyone is around during the week, and there's a lot of things that happen where a season can be great and the record not show it. I feel like we're moving forward."

  • Edsall is hard on Sio Moore, but it's clearly a motivational tactic. Moore understands, and speaking to him on several occasions over the last couple of years it's obvious that Moore has immense respect for Edsall and truly likes Edsall for who he is. Asked about Edsall's comments about how Moore can't handle praise, Moore said, "That's fine. It's not going to make me work less. It's going to make me work more. Just keep the food in front of my face and keep eating, keep working. I don't take it personally or as any kind of bashing."

  • Teggart has hit game-winners before -- namely the 42-yarder to beat South Florida at Rentschler Field last December. This one was even better, he said. “From the distance it was, it was like an extra point,” Teggart said. “I just wanted to have true form, and not over-kick it. All it needed to be was straight.”

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