Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finishing a Tuesday: some player quotes

A little more from today's media session...
  • The players said they had only just learned of Kuraczea's decision to leave the team. "I just found out, like a minute ago, so I don’t have a lot of details yet,” Moe Petrus said. “It’s an unfortunate situation. He’ll be missed. It’ll be hard not having that depth and experience.”

  • Said Cody Endres, who did hard suspension time with Kuraczea, "I’m definitely surprised. “It’s tough because he’s a good player, and I really enjoyed playing with him. It’s disappointing to me.”

  • Endres is among those who don't feel entitled (I believe him, but I also get the feeling everyone on the team says they fall into that category). "I don't feel a sense of entitlement," Endres said. "If coach Edsall gets that kind of feeling from the guys, then that's his opinion." But he back tracks a little. "This program has been built on hard work. I think we work harder than most teams in the country, if I can say so. I think we get the idea, but sometimes we do lose the fact that we're not entitled to anything."

  • Third down's have been a problem with the UConn offense. Endres, asked what the problem has been, said the team has to sustain drives. He also mentioned he wouldn't mind a little more variety with the play-calling. "I think we'll come up with some good things on third down. Maybe not be so, uh....you know," Endres said, pausing to pick his words carefully. "I can't think of the word I'm looking for. Maybe not run it all the time on third down. I like to pass it more, but that's me."

  • UConn fullback Ruben Frank has been playing the part of Bilal Powell on the scout team this past week. Kendall Reyes, for one, thinks he has a future. "He is one tough dude," Reyes said. "He's running the ball hard."

  • Rough week for sitcoms. First June Cleaver, then Howard Cunningham. Tom Bosley and his natural, folksy Midwestern sense of humor worked perfectly well as Mr. C on "Happy Days". Of course, Barbara Billingsley's finest work was her role as an elderly woman who could interpret jive for a stewardess in "Airplane".

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