Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Edsall to fans: just say no to that last drink

Some early notes from Edsall's press conference on Tuesday....

  • Edsall made his plea to fans to arrive early and stay to the end. Michigan Stadium was packed -- 113,000 strong -- before kickoff, and remained that way until the end. "That's a football environment," Edsall said. "Get there early, stay to the end win, lose or draw. It's not trying to get another drink before you go in (to the stadium). Maybe someone should have last call in the parking lot. I hope the place is packed and the fans are cheering (when the team comes out of the tunnel). It's disappointing when it isn't that way, to be honest."

  • Edsall spent the first five minutes of practice going over the new policy on injuries. In a nutshell, the conference announced players who are out for the year or have pending surgery on Monday. The school will released another list on Thursday, after that day's practice, for that week's game. Only five body parts will be used to describe the injury (leg, arm, upper extremity, head and torso). Edsall won't have to comment on any injuries for the entire season.

  • Alex Polito moves up to backup defensive tackle, replacing Ryan Wirth. Also, Cole Wagner is now the No. 1 punter, though that was determined prior to the Michigan game.

  • Frazer had done a good job during the preseason of putting better touch on his passes, and Edsall felt he did that better mostly at Michigan. But there were instances where he threw too hard, and that affected his accuracy. Maybe the wind was a factor, Edsall says. "Maybe he tried to grip it too hard, and that can make the ball a little wobbly," Edsall said.

  • UConn lost the battle in the trenches against Michigan, but Edsall isn't overly concerned. "We went up against a very good offensive line that just handed it to us," Edsall said. "Our guys didn't play up to their capabilities. We have to play better and make more plays on both sides of the line."

Off to chat with some player. Update in about an hour.


  1. Am I alone in finding it comical that the coach feels he has the right to tell fans who have paid for tickets when to walk in a game and when to leave a game but feels the need to hide the injury about a player who has been the face of the program for three years.

  2. You are not alone. I just made that point on Jason Page's radio program.

    By the way, Page's response was "no one cares about UConn football enough to want to know about injuries. They just go to the game to get hammered." If really feels that way, then why does he even bother discussing UConn football at all on his show...
