Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tuesday's open practice no longer open

If you were planning to attend Tuesday's open practice, you're out of luck. The heavy rain has pushed it indoors, and the public is no longer welcome. Don't take it personally. We were just shut out of Friday's practice, which was originally open to the media.

Here's the UConn press release...

UConn Athletic Communications --- August 22, 2010 -- Tuesday Practice

STORRS, Conn. (August 22, 2010) -- The University of Connecticut football team’s practice on Tuesday morning will no longer be open to the public as originally scheduled. The practice has been moved inside to the Mark R. Shenkman Training Complex because of the rain that is passing through Connecticut at the beginning of the week.

“I want to thank all of our fans that have attended our first two open practices of the season,” says UConn head coach Randy Edsall. “We have to keep our outdoor practice fields in good shape for the entire season and with all the rain we have had and are supposed to have, we decided we need to move the practice indoors.”

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