Thursday, November 12, 2009

The picks

No conference call this week. Thus, no news. However, there's a live chat at 2 p.m. Zac Boyer of joins me to talk UConn football recruiting. Hope you can join us at

It may be a bye week, but there's no rest for the weekly picks. I watched Rocky II the other night for the first time in a while, so beware:

Game 1: OLE' MISS (-4.5) over Tennessee - Three Tennessee football players were arrested early Thursday and charged with attempted armed robbery. Police reports say the players, one wearing Vols' gear, pulled their Toyota Prius alongside another car in a convenience store parking lot and demanded money while brandishing a pellet gun. It marks the first time a Toyota Prius has ever been used as a getaway car. Apparently, they didn't feel the need to get away very quickly. But at least Lane Kiffin's boys are thinking of the environment.
Game 2: Syracuse (+8) over LOUISVILLE - Sometimes it's better to just not look at certain things. For example, I really wish I didn't see those photos of the chimp attack victim released yesterday. A little too graphic for my taste. You can't un-see something like that. Consider this game the football equivalent of the chimp victim's Oprah interview.
Game 3: WISCONSIN (-8.5) over Michigan - After 40 consecutive winning seasons and 33 straight bowl appearances, the Wolverines are on the verge of a losing record for the second time in two years since Rich Rodriguez took over. It's sort of like if the 2009 Yankees, with all the talent and money they spent, had to battle with Baltimore to the final day of the season to stay out of the cellar in the AL East -- for a second straight year. Still, Michigan's athletic director is asking fans to be patient with Rich-Rod. Hmm. I'm sure that directive will settle them down.
Game 4: OHIO STATE (-17) over Iowa - No Ricky Stanzi, no Rose Bowl.

Game 5: Florida (-15.5) over SOUTH CAROLINA - I read somewhere once that Steve Spurrier used to coach the Gators. Who knew?

Game 6: Utah (+19.5) over TEXAS CHRISTIAN - It's hard to get too excited about this one after seeing this week that the real action in the Mountain West Conference takes place on the women's soccer field. If soccer doesn't work out (and it won't) Elizabeth Lambert will be perfect for MTV's The Real World - Albuquerque.

Game 7: PITTSBURGH (-7) over Notre Dame - I watched Rocky II on cable for the 4,645th time a couple nights ago. As with most movies, there's always some new wrinkle you pick up, think about in real life terms and realize how ridiculous it really is. For example. Rocky, after nearly beating the heavyweight champ of the world, is down on his luck. Doctors advised him not to fight, endorsement deals dry up pretty quick, he can't find work in the real world. So Mickey, his beloved trainer, offers him a job at the gym...not working with young fighters, but as a janitor. A janitor! Gee, thanks Mickey. Let's see. You've got a gym full of kids with dreams of getting off the rough streets of Philadelphia. You've got one of the great underdogs in boxing history begging for work. Mickey feels Rocky can best serve his gym by emptying buckets of spit and mopping up puke. Brilliant use of resources!

Game 8: OKLAHOMA STATE (-4) over Texas Tech - Whatever. Here's a good analogy based on Rocky Balboa's trials and tribulations in Rocky II. Charlie Weis is finally canned at Notre Dame. He pays an unexpected visit to Bill Belichick's palatial estate in a swanky Boston suburb asking for work. Belichick says sure, then tells him he's going to be the guy picking up jock straps and handing out towels at the Patriots practice facility.

Game 9: Arizona (+2.5) over CAL - Love Zona. And I can't let this Weis/Rocky scenario go just yet. Charlie Weis is so hard-up for work he accepts Belichick's offer. I envision Weis holding a water bucket at a Patriots practice so Tom Brady can rinse his mouth out. Brady spits into the bucket, and catches Weis with some spittle shrapnel. Weis turns and bumps into Randy Moss. "Oops", Weis says, to which Brady responds, "Hey, can't you think of anything tougher to say than oops?" OK. We're done.

Game 10: Texas (-23.5) over BAYLOR - Such high hopes at Baylor this season, and they're going to finish last in the Big XII again.

Game 11: Yale (-3.5) over PRINCETON - Usually a great late-season Ivy League is now a matchup of two of the duller teams in the league. Ever notice the severe eye injury that takes up a sizeable portion of the Rocky II plot is never mentioned again in Rocky III, IV, V or VI? Sorry, guess I wasn't done.

Last week's results

1. SeanO 6-4

Pete 6-4

3. mcfred 5-5

wil 5-5

5. joba 4-6

chip 4-6

govphalen 4-6

caleb 4-6

vinny 4-6

uconn bob 4-6

11. sammy 3-7

12. gary 2-8

Season standings

1. Wil 63


3. UconnBob 62

caleb mandrake 62

5.Chip 61

Governorphalen 61

7. Pete 59

8. Sammy 58

9. Rick C 53

10. Gary 50

Vinny 50

12. mcfred 49

13. rich 39

14. JZ 20

15. Mike B 13

16. big donny 11

17. ian 9

G-Five 9

19. DanO 8

20. salami 6

21. joba 4


  1. Game 1: OLE' MISS (-4.5) over Tennessee -
    Game 2: Syracuse (+8) over LOUISVILLE -
    Game 3: WISCONSIN (-8.5) over Michigan -
    Game 4: OHIO STATE (-17) over Iowa -
    Game 5: Florida (-15.5) over SOUTH CAROLINA -
    Game 6: Utah (+19.5) over TEXAS CHRISTIAN -
    Game 7: PITTSBURGH (-7) over Notre Dame -
    Game 8: OKLAHOMA STATE (-4) over Texas Tech -
    Game 9: Arizona (+2.5) over CAL - Game 10: Texas (-23.5) over BAYLOR -
    Game 11: Yale (-3.5) over PRINCETON -

  2. Game 1: OLE' MISS
    Game 2: LOUISVILLE
    Game 3: WISCONSIN
    Game 4: OHIO STATE
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Utah
    Game 7: PITTSBURGH
    Game 8: Texas Tech
    Game 9: CAL
    Game 10: Texas
    Game 11: Yale

  3. Ole Miss
    Ohio State
    OK State

  4. Game 1: OLE' MISS
    Game 2: LOUISVILLE -
    Game 3: Michigan -
    Game 4: Iowa -
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Utah
    Game 7: PITTSBURGH
    Game 9: Arizona
    Game 10: Texas
    Game 11: Yale

  5. I've been on quite a roll. I'm going to pick the exact opposite of my instincts this week. Let's see how that works.

    Game 1: Ole Miss
    Game 2: Louisville
    Game 3: Michigan
    Game 4: Iowa
    Game 5: South Carolina
    Game 6: Utah
    Game 7: Notre Dame
    Game 8: Oklahoma St.
    Game 9: Cal
    Game 10: Baylor
    Game 11: Yale

  6. Wil's picks


  7. Rick C

    Ole miss
    South Car

  8. Game 1: OLE' MISS
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: WISCONSIN
    Game 4: Iowa -
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 6: Utah
    Game 7: Notre Dame -
    Game 9: CAL
    Game 10: Texas
    Game 11: Yale
    caleb mandrake

  9. UconnBob's picks:
    Game 1: Tenn (+4.5) over OLE' MISS

    Game 2: LVL (-8) over Syracuse

    Game 3: WISCONSIN (-8.5) over Michigan

    Game 4: Iowa (+17) over OHIO STATE

    Game 5: SOUTH CAROLINA (+15.5) over Florida

    Game 6: TCU (-19.5) over Utah

    Game 7: PITTSBURGH (-7) over Notre Dame

    Game 8: OKLAHOMA STATE (-4) over Texas Tech

    Game 9: Arizona (+2.5) over CAL

    Game 10: Baylor (+23.5) over Texas

    Game 11: PRINCETON (+3.5) over Yale

    By the way, with no Uconn to root against this weekend has Vinny gone back to his Xbox? Hey Vinny go pop a few more pimples before you go cruising for the high schoolers!

  10. Game 1: Tennessee -
    Game 2: Syracuse
    Game 3: Michigan -
    Game 4: OHIO STATE
    Game 5: Florida
    Game 7: Notre Dame -
    Game 8: texas Tech -
    Game 9: Arizona
    Game 10: Texas
    Game 11: Yale

  11. Vinny from East HavenNovember 13, 2009 10:40 PM

    Vinny says:
    1. Ole Miss
    2. Syracuse
    3. Wisconsin
    4. Iowa
    5. South Carolina
    6. TCU
    7. ND
    8. Oklahoma St
    9. Cal
    10. Texas
    11. Princeton

  12. results
    1. Vinny 11-0 (wow)
    2. caleb mandrake 7-4
    3. uconn bob 6-5
    gary 6-5
    govphalen 6-5
    6. chip 5-6
    sammy 5-6
    8. pete 4-7
    wil 4-7
    rick c 4-7
    mcfred 4-7

  13. standings
    1. calebmandrake 69
    2. UConnbob 68
    3. Wil 67
    governorphalen 67
    5. Chip 66
    6. SeanO63
    Pete 63
    Sammy 63
    9. Vinny from East Haven 61
    10. Rick C 57
    11. Gary 56
    12. mcfred 53
    13. rich 39
    14. JZ 20
    15. Mike B 13
    16. big donny 11
    17. ian 9
    G-Five 9
    19. DanO 8
    20. salami 6
    21. joba 4

  14. Vinny from East HavenNovember 16, 2009 2:30 PM

    You're kidding me...11-0? And to think I was drunk as a skunk on red wine and sambuca when i made those picks. Just goes to show that I know more about college football than anyone else on this whole blog. Too bad it took this long for me to hit upon the right formula.

    It's not too late for me to make a late charge - and I know all you poor pathetic UConn fans out there live in fear of me controlling the blog for a day...I've got four years of anti-UConn angst built up and I can't wait to share it with all of you.

    Look for Notre Dame to take out its frustrations on the lowly Huskies this week. A thirty-eight point victory by the Irish is definitely possible.
