Just got off the phone with Mike Osiecki. He said he suffered a torn labrum in a practice just before the start of the high school season, but played through the year anyway. He had shoulder surgery in April.
“I knew something was wrong, but didn’t know it was that bad of an injury and I just wanted to play,” Osiecki said. “I got it fixed, and now I have to rest for three months. I can’t lift or do anything, really. I talked it over with the coaches. Since I wouldn’t be cleared to play until September anyway, it would be pointless to go up and just sit there.”
Kinnard, a quarterback, broke his leg during a game in October and also underwent surgery. He could not be reached Saturday.
The circumstances have at least one benefit for the pair. By delaying enrollment to January, both players essentially gained an extra semester’s worth of football eligibility. They can participate in spring practice next March, then still have a full five years to redshirt (if need be) and play their four seasons of football.
As for Marcus Campbell...he's had issues with grades before, and was academically dismissed by the university and will not be enrolled in school. It is unclear if he can still return, since he was out of school for academic reasons in the spring of 2008.
Parker is on academic probation, and still enrolled in school. He has the fall semester to pull up his grade-point average, but won’t be participating in football.
Also, reserve redshirt freshman tailback Nate Sherr has transferred to Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The move is because Sherr is interested in pursing a maritime career, though he will also play football there.
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