Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another depth chart.

Need a depth chart for Saturday's Blue-White Game? Good luck. There won't be anything official. The format hadn't even been determined as of Tuesday. But here's an updated prediction on what we might see, taking into account injuries and practice performance this spring.

First-string offense
QB: Zach Frazer
TB: Andre Dixon
FB: Anthony Davis
WR: Isiah Moore
WR: Michael Smith
WR: Kashif Moore
C: Moe Petrus
LT: Dan Ryan
RT: Mike Hicks
RG: Zach Hurd
LG: Mathieu Olivier
TE: Ryan Griffin

Second-string offense
QB: Cody Endres
TB: Jordan Todman
FB: Bret Manning
WR: Gerrard Sheppard
WR: Brian Parker
WR: Marcus Easley
C: Gary Bardzak
LT: Adam Masters
RT: Mike Ryan
RG: Erik Kuraczea
LG: Alex LaMagdelaine
TE: John Delahunt

First-team defense
DE: Lindsey Witten
DE: Marcus Campbell
DT: Kendall Reyes
DT: Twyon Martin
LB: Greg Lloyd
LB: Lawrence Wilson
LB: Scott Lutrus
CB: Jasper Howard
CB: Robert McClain
S: Robert Vaughn (injury permitting)
S: Jonathan Jean-Louis

Second-team defense
DE: Mike Cox
DE: Trevardo Williams
DT: Brandon Dillon
DT: Ryan Wirth
LB: Greg Robinson
LB: Jerome Williams
LB: Kijuan Dabney
CB: Dwayne Gratz
CB: Blidi Wreh-Wilson
S: Aaron Bagsby
S: Jerome Junior

Special teams
FG: Dave Teggart and Desi Cullen
P: Desi Cullen and Dave Teggart
KOR: Robert McClain and Jasper Howard
PR: Jasper Howard, Robert McClain, Dwayne Gratz and Kashif Moore

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