There's been plenty of football news in the print edition of the Register this summer. As for the blog, it will be back at full strength starting now, so relax. Have a cream soda. There'll be a whole season to misinterpret my sarcasm and bad jokes and to scratch your head at irrelevant and obscure pop culture references. It all starts Monday. I promise you won't be disappointed. And please, for the love of God, stop emailing me about the lack of entries, people. Cabeesh?
Here's a 50-pound, 40-inch striper I caught about a mile offshore in Westbrook. Snagged it with a live bunker, and nearly broke both arms reeling her in. This thing was the size of a kindergardner. That's captain Keith Salisbury, the best in the biz, standing next to me. OK, I confess. This photo was taken three summers ago. But I loved that fish. He was delicious.
Here's a house I'm considering buying from Wayne Huizenga in Ft. Lauderdale. You know, just a little something the wife and I can retire to. I'm only about $17 million away from the $17 million price tag.
Here's a shot of my boat. She's a beauty, eh? The big one is kinda nice too. Editor's note: Chip Malafronte does not, has never and will never have enough money to own a boat.
Went to a wedding in Dallas and made sure I visited this landmark. It's the old Texas Schoolbook Depository. Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots that killed John F. Kennedy from the sixth floor of this building, now a museum. The window Oswald fired from is on the far right of the near building, just above the tree line, second floor down from the top. Inside, this place is as fascinating as it is eerie. The area around the window is just as it was in November 1963.
Notice the 'x' on the center lane of the highway? That's where the JFK motorcade was when the second bullet struck Kennedy.
That's me on the grassy knoll. The place needs no explanation. It's where Roger McDowell spit on Cosmo Kramer not long after a crucial Keith Hernandez error cost the Mets a ballgame (ruining the afternoon for Kramer and Newman). Luckily, there were no second spitters on this afternoon.

That's all for now. Well, maybe I'll sneak in a few later. See you Monday.
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