Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What they're saying

Reactions from Tuesday's media lunch....

Head coach Randy Edsall

Opening statement:

“We had five young men dismissed from the team for a violation of team policies. The reason for those dismissals is because the actions of those young men, they were considered unbecoming of what a football student athlete should be.
“With that, the situation is over, it’s been dealt with, it is done, we move forward and there will be no further comments and I will take no questions in regard to that because they focus is on Army. That’s all the team is focused on, and that’s all the coaching staff is focused on.”

On the character of the team coming out of Sunday's team meeting:

“I like what I saw on Sunday. We met for about an hour and the things that came out of that were very powerful. Very powerful.
“Guys on this team that have a lot of passion and heart for what this program is all about and what it stands for and what they want to accomplish. That came out loud and clear. This team has a tremendous amount of character. If you could have been there, you could have witnessed exactly what everyone in the room witnessed. Don’t count them out. Don’t count them for dead.”

"There were a lot of angry people expressing their feelings on what needs to happen. Freshmen, redshirt freshmen, sophomores...I think they know what we have to do to straighten out."

Tailback Terry Caulley:

"We're deeply hurt. But they decision was made by coach Edsall. Before that we sat down and talked, and we support his decision because at the start of training camp we signed a team policy where there's no alcohol during the season. On top of that we have an itenerarry where it says no visitors or alcohol involved on road trips. I think they violated that policy and it's only right coach carries out his plan.
"It's unfortunate they're not coming back to the program. ... It's a sad moment for the team, but it's said and done."

On the team's character:

“It’s about rebounding and resolving. It doesn’t phase me what they’re saying outside the program. When the bus is moving everybody wants to get on. When the bus slows down people don’t want any part of us. Most of our fans are true to the program. We have great fans. That’s not to say I don’t care, but I’m only concerned and focused on people who are actually involved with the program. That’s what I care about the most.”

On the frustration of off-field incidents and bad losses his senior season:

"It's very frustrating. Coach Edsall and his staff are always harping on doing the little things right. That so cliche and corny but yet it's so true. It could be as little as tying your shoe...you trip over your shoelaces. Not going to class, missing a test, not being eligible to play. The little things lead to the big picture, and that's what's frustrating. The little things are hurting us on the field and off the field. In some losses the little things hurt us, but yet a loss is a loss. You can't dwell on it because it's my last seasaon. It's not about me, it's not about the seniors. It's about winning games."

Some more to come...

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